Do you think that the schools are set up to accommodate girls better? How can we make schools more accommodating to boys? Girls, in most cases have a longer attention Span, and can sit and listen longer than most boys. Many times boys are active and visual and hands on. How do you take these things and make them fit into your classroom? At a elementary level, we are trying to break the boys down to the point were they are losing those elements in their personality. We don't want them to get up and be active, we want them to sit still and listen. We need to revisit this issue as teachers. Allow the boys to be create at this young age. Don't take that away from them. Finds ways in your classroom that allow them to move and be creative.
A very good post indeed. It's a shame about some of the responses. A very good post and an excellent blog. I am now a follower. Thanks, Steve
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Posted by: Studyaidsuk | 08/19/2011 at 11:05 AM